26 May, 2010

Bye bye to part of my frame

I have been working like crazy to get the Simonini case half to line up and work for the race bike.
Here is where I cut my frame to make the thing fit the reed block.

Look at those ports. I opened the boost ports up a bit to match the case.

I still need to make a plate to seal up the old intake and  get my treats and then I can slap this thing together.

I also just got this wicked new helmet 


  1. noice mate. i should do this so UB's site doesn't get spammed by me anymore. haha wait, who is shawn?

  2. Joe your frame looks less than stable now.

  3. ps Nice timing, Hutch. Who is Shawn?

  4. The engine will keep it rigid.. thats the hope at least. thats the price you pay for speed.
