27 July, 2010


I have not been keeping up with  shit on this here blog. My phone broke and that was my main camera for this thing.( surprised? I know the pics are such good quality though!)  I got a new phone with a better camera so expect some updates soon. I just got more free parts for the free fast express. Boyseen reeds! I am super stoked. I cant wait to hook these up. I have an extra Urban reed block sitting around that I have heard is bigger than the express so I may put them in that and rock it on the XXXpress. Thats its new name. I just made it up. I have a kit and an urban express carb I want to put on it as well,. I am not sure if I will though the damn thing runs so good as it is its hard to mess with.


  1. If you keep this up it will be faster than your ciao, and then I'll have to lose to something with 14" wheels.

  2. Joe's going to race his Express this time.
