10 February, 2012

Dubs for life and how I get a good idea for the Joemos...

I had some TACOS built up at TREATS and eric needed a new condenser so I ordered him one up and me a set of pegs for the mb5. I also decided to finally put the carbon reeds in the mb5 as well. I work most nights until about 3 am so tonight I got off about 4 am and got home and went to work. Luckily my room mate never wakes up when I am early morning wrenching.
I have yet to take the reed block out of the mb5 yet, until tonight of course. I'm not sure why I was surprised   by how big it actually was, I mean on super bowl sunday I rode trips on this bike for about 5 mniles. No joke that bike ran fine for the most part with three full grown men on it. we did get a few weird looks but whatever. So yeah reed block pre carbon reeds seen here

 I decided to split apart my pinasco engine to check for wear after the couple hundred miles I put on the kit so far. I decided to do a bit more porting and clean up everything I can. I really want to build the Si up Properly.

 Treats sent me this awesome sticker in my latest order.

Metal < Carbon fiber  

In order to work on the Mb5 at 5 am I needed to wheel it into the garage. This bike unfortunately weighs 198 pounds so while it was easy to wheel in I soon realized that it was going to be impossible to turn it around. the wheel base is way long on this thing. After everything I ended up having to back it out up the little ram I made for the few stairs that lead into the garage.

I got these sweet new pegs for the bike. The other pegs I had on there where real big and didnt really fit right so they closed real easy. These heart pegs dont fold and fit perfectly. I added play-doh for added visibilty in the picture of course... well I am gonna get another can of pink for the Joemos race bike, I could always paint the pegs too....
I got the bike as a rolling frame and am pretty happy with most of it. I still need to cut the seat down about three inches and I am not super happy about how the bars look but the make it sit so well that I cant hate them too much. This is with the homoet 4.5 tomos pipe. Its kind of small but i do know it performs well. I thought I might try something different though...

Calibrata meet tomos, I think you two are going to be good friends...

Ignore the puppies they are always trying to steal the attention. By the time I got done screwing around after work it was 7:30 am and light out so I took a few pics. I have some controls coming from treats so I can hook everything up and get this thing tuned and ready to kill it in the race season! I cant wait to dust some puchs on this thing.

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